COVID-19 Information

We here at Lifetime Pet Centers New Richmond & Williamsburg are very much aware of the dangers of this pandemic and are endeavoring to keep our patients healthy through this crisis.  Likewise, we are very much concerned about your health and our staff’s safety.  As we go through this together, we may need to institute changes as we progress. Both state and federal governments are starting to place recommendations and rules on veterinary hospitals. In accordance, here are steps we may need to institute based on the spread of the virus.

Stage 1.  Early stages of outbreak.  (Where are currently as of 03/16/2020)

  1. We will continue to conduct our normal appointment schedules to provide healthcare to our patients.
  2. We will conduct stringent measures to clean and disinfect all surfaces between each patient.  
  3. We do request that you have your cell phone and if you see that our waiting room has more than two people waiting, call and let us know you’re here and waiting in your car.  We’ll come out for you when we are ready. 
  4. Honor the six feet of separation of people recommended by epidemiologists.
  5. Use our hand sanitizers (as long as supply lasts) and feel free to wash your hands while in the hospital.
  6. If there is a wait at the reception desk, we may carry out your transactions in the exam room or have you pre-pay for medications and diets over the phone before picking up. 
  7. Please do not allow children to roam through the hospital, and leave them at home whenever possible. 
  8. If you are ill, sniffles (not routine spring allergies), have a scratchy or sore throat, coughing, or shortness of breath, please call and cancel. If your pet is ill we will find an alternative to handle the situation. 
  9. You may want to consider our online pharmacy temporarily to fill your prescriptions and diets to avoid going out.

Stage 2.  (Reported cases in Clermont county near us.)

  1. Appointment scheduling may be limited, seeing only sick pets. Elective procedures may be postponed.
  2. In addition to previous mentioned disinfection of rooms, all staff will wear protective gloves during exams and treatments.
  3. We will request that you call us on arrival and we may request you wait in your car until a staff person comes out for your pet. Likewise, if you’re picking up medications, call us and if necessary we will deliver to your car. 
  4. Remember, six feet of separation.
  5. Use hand sanitizers and wash hands if in the building upon entering and before leaving.
  6. We may carry out your transaction over the phone using a credit card or come out to your car if necessary.
  7. Limit one person per pet in the building.
  8. If you are ill or potentially been exposed, please do not come in. We will arrange an alternative way to care for your pet.
  9. Again, consider the online pharmacy to temporarily fill prescriptions and diets.

Stage 3.  (The epidemic has spread involving our county and our area.)

  1. Appointments will be further limited in times, seeing only sick pets. Scheduling may be further limited according to staff availability (illness, quarantine, limiting potential exposure).
  2. More stringent disinfection of rooms will extend time between appointments.  
  3. All clients will have to remain in their cars and we will come out for pets and deliver them back to you. Likewise, we will deliver all scripts to your car.
  4. Weather permitting, some exams may take place outdoors.
  5. Six feet of separation between all individuals.
  6. Hand sanitizers and hand washing if in the building, both when you arrive and    before you leave.
  7. All transactions will take place outdoors in your car. Call in your credit card by phone. 
  8. One person per pet if possible.
  9. If you are ill or have potentially been exposed, do not come in. Alternative care will be arranged. 
  10. Use the online pharmacy if possible.

Stage 4.  (The epidemic is out of control.)

In all likelihood, our hours will be extremely limited due to staffing and State regulations. Virtual exams via phone & video may be necessary, with medications being sent to you. 

A personal note:

Like all small businesses, we expect a tremendous financial burden to be placed on us. Likewise, our staff may be faced with sick leave, medical expenses, limited hours, or layoffs.  We also realize that most of you will be facing the same burdens due to layoffs and a probable deep recession. This is a time when we need to throw out our politics. We need our government for help. This is what government is about. So if inclined, don’t hesitate to call your representatives and ask for help for you and all small businesses.

Dr. Jerry W. Miller

Office Hours


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-3:00 pm


7:30 am-5:00 pm


7:30 am-12:30 pm

2:00 pm-5:00 pm


8:00 am-2:00 pm



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